(Methods in the Research
Madness cont.)
point! The data collection section of a research
article includes: who collects what data
when, where & how.
In previous blogs we’ve looked at title,
introduction, and other elements of methods section (design, sample, &
setting). In this one let’s take a look
at data collection.
Data are a collection
of measurements. For example, scores on
a classroom test might be 97, 90, 88, 85, & so on. Each single score is a datum; collectively they
are data.
What data are collected is answered in this section. The data (or measurements) can be numbers or
words/themes. For example, numbers data
might be how many RNs in a hospital are men and how many are women. An example of word data would be themes without
any counting of things (e.g., in a study RNs may describe their roles as “caregiver”
or “professional” or “interprofessional”; we would not count how many RNs used
each word). Sometimes a researcher
collects both number and word data in the same study to give a more complete description.
How the data are collected includes what instrument or tool was used to
gather data (e.g., observation, biophysical measure or self-report) and how
consistently & accurately that tool measures what it is supposed to measure
(e.g., reliability & validity).
Also included is who collected the data and the procedures that they
followed—how did they obtain consent, interaction with subjects, timing of data
collection and so on.
Now you