Thursday, May 29, 2014

When you have a great project, take credit for your ideas by submitting an abstract to a conference!

Right Writing
"You will not learn to write well by talking – to me, or to anyone else – about writing; you will learn to write well by writing. Talking about writing is like talking about carpentry, or about playing the piano, or about riding a bicycle – interesting, perhaps, but of little help in actually learning how to do any of these things. To learn how to do them, you have to do them, over and over and over. It’s called “practicing.” It’s the same with writing; actually practicing the skill…. I’m not suggesting that I’m not happy to talk to you about your project. But talking to me is much less valuable than you (and most students) think it is.” – D.G.Post (August 2010)

Steps of Writing
 Pre-Writing = Just getting all your ideas down on paper. Order doesn’t matter. (See for strategies to start.)
 Writing = Organizing your ideas into paragraphs that communicate
 Re-writing = Editing accuracy of facts, content, grammar, spelling, etc. Make it “sing” (Plan to write your title & introduction during this phase.

Rules of Writing Well
#1 Writing is Re-writing
#2 Writing is Re-writing
#3 Writing is Re-writing

Thursday, May 22, 2014

1. Research = Creating new evidence, such as developing a new drug that is needed.

2. Evidence-based practice = using research evidence, such as the RN administering a drug.